Frequently Asked Questions on Enema Supplies and Suppositories

Enema Supplies and Suppositories
What is an enema?
An enema is a procedure by which a volume of liquid is introduced into the rectum and colon via the anus using a nozzle attached to a bag made of plastic or cloth. The liquid is forced into the rectum through this device to relieve occasional constipation or prepare patients for surgery.
What is a rectum?
Rectum or rectal is the last section of the large intestine where feces are stored before defecation. It extends from the colon to the anus.
What are the different types of enema supplies?
  • Cold Enema: It is helpful in decreasing fever and also beneficial in inflammatory conditions of the colon especially in cases of dysentery, diarrhea, ulcerative colitis and hemorrhoids.
  • Warm Enema: This is not only the safest system for cleaning the bowel but also improves the peristaltic movement of the bowels and thereby, relieves constipation.
  • Hot Enema: Hot water enema is beneficial in relieving irritation and pain due to inflammation of the rectum and painful hemorrhoids. It also helps leucorrhoea in women.
  • Graduated Enema: It is highly useful in cases where the intestines are over dilated and it improves the intestinal function.
How long should you hold the liquid in your rectum before you use the bathroom?
Attempt to hold the enema solution until the urge to evacuate is strong, but no longer than 10 minutes.
Can I use the enema more than once?
No, the enema is disposable and designed to be used only once.
Where should the enema be inserted?
The enema should be inserted only into the rectum and not anywhere else.
What position is best for insertion of an enema?
The best positions are either lying down on your left side or a knee-chest position.
How often can an enema be used to relieve symptoms?
The enema can be used up to seven days in a row before consulting a physician. If you have not received relief after seven days of use, please contact your doctor. Using more than one enema within 24 hours can be harmful.
What should I do if I administer an enema and it does not work?
If there is no bowel movement after 30 minutes, consult your physician.
What is a suppository?
A suppository is a solid cone or cylinder-shaped medication which is designed to be inserted into the rectum.
How does the suppository work?
The suppository draws water into the stool, thus softening the stool and helping to cause bowel movement.
How long does it take for a suppository to relieve constipation?
A suppository generally works within 15 minutes to an hour.
Is it necessary for the suppository to melt in order to be effective?
No, the suppository does not need to melt in order to be effective. The suppository is designed to partially dissolve, which may or may not be noticeable.
How do you insert a suppository?
Using your finger, insert the suppository into the rectum. Push the suppository in as far as the length of your finger.
What is the best way to store the suppositories?
The best place to store the suppositories is in a cool, dry place. They can also be refrigerated. Since the suppository is designed to dissolve, if it becomes warm, it will start to dissolve.
What is the benefit of using a glycerin suppository?
Glycerin suppositories are used for fast, predictable relief of occasional constipation.
Should children receive suppositories?
If your doctor has prescribed the suppository and you have all the proper instructions, then a suppository can be quite helpful for treatment of childhood illnesses.
What are the different types of suppositories?
  • Rectal Suppositories: These are meant for introduction into the rectum for local and systemic effect.
  • Pessaries: These are meant for introduction into the vagina for local action. These are larger than the rectal suppositories.
  • Urethral Bougies: These are meant for introduction into the urethra.
  • Nasal Bougies: These are meant for introduction into the nasal cavities.
What are the precautions to be considered for enema and suppositories?
  • Do not use enema and suppository at the same time.
  • Do not use an enema very frequently as it can cause damage to the colon.
  • Do not use suppository too often as it does cause rectal stimulation and this can lead to problems of its own.
  • Do not stimulate the rectal area with a suppository, it may become difficult to pass stools without the added stimulus.